Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!

I know I have been terrible at updating, but I don't have much time to do so. So much stuff is going on...

I will try to write again tomorrow or Monday... with pictures too.. I still haven't posted Easter pics.

Enjoy your day mommies!


He & Me + 3 said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! Give Leala a hug from me! I miss seeing her sweet posts. I am sure she is getting so big and getting into so much. Can't wait to see pictures.

Shauna said...

I hope you have a fabu day! :) Can't wait to see some pictures!

Daphine said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! Don't worry too much about not being able to post. Keep the main thing...the main thing, ya know?

Have a great week ahead!

Mrs. Praz said...

Hey Girl! Things are all good! It is a funny story! You will laugh when you see the pictures! How are you doing? How is life? Hope you guys are well!

Stephanie said...

Happy mother's Day!