Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Go check out my blog, where I've posted the information for my first giveaway! It's for a $20 credit and free shipping on my scrapbooking site! You don't want to miss this one! It ends Sunday June 28th night at 8:45 PM!


McCrakensx4 said...

I have been to your site a few times and I really like all that you have done. One suggestion that I have it for older boys. I have 2 boys 9 & 8 that play all sports and would love to see more of that! Congrats on your new business!

Caidens_mommy said...

Kevin's comment on your blog was to cute! Ya'll are adorable:) I'm glad you've had time to catch us up on here, I really enjoy reading these things.

He & Me + 3 said...

What a fun giveaway!