Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Random pictures from the beginning of November

Just thought I'd share some cute pictures of the beginning of November.

Reading to her baby, Holly.

Running around and playing (while Mommy is trying to clean out the pantry!).. hehe

Mmm hmmm... She got caught playing dress up... lol.

Reading with Daddy... (yes, he's in bed with her.. and yes, she has a mitten on... one mitten.. why? I have no idea!)

Belly Button!

Wearing Daddy's glasses (pronounced "golly").

Holding Holly and watching tv.


Stephanie said...

I'll try this again. I swear I've been reading your blog but everytime I comment it is always returned to me for some reason.

She's getting SO big! I just love her hair and that mitten is adorable :) Don't you just love little girls!?!

Mrs. Davison said...

very cute.

He & Me + 3 said...

So cute I am just jealous that you all are wearing shorts in November. Brrr here.