Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So Leala's new word is "seriously". It is sooo cute. And she ends up saying it at the funniest times too. The other day we were walking int he parking lot of Kroger and a woman stopped up and told us that I had the cutest little girl she had ever seen (I know!) and Leala said "Seriously!" hahaha.. Too cute...

She says lots of things now. "Love you" is a new one... So precious. Oh and she says "sorry" now too. Please, cheese.. all of her alphabet except two letters. She's doing great and growing up so fast. "Seriously!"


Caidens_mommy said...

Seriously?! HaHa I can't wait to hear her say it:)

He & Me + 3 said...

That is a crack up. I love when my kids use big words. correctly.

Stephanie said...

So sweet!!!!! I just love to hear them when they discover new words!