Thursday, April 8, 2010

Having Fun Jumping!

While Jennifer and Maddison were visiting, everyday was cold and wet... not that great for spending the time outside and having fun... So we had 5 people stuck in a space that was used to 3.. We had to get out... couldn't go to the zoo.. remember it was cold and wet? Couldn't go to Ripley's b/c I wanted Kevin to come too and he had to work... So we found out that we have a JumpZone around here... (in South Lake, for those who live near me)... We thought we'd give it a try. I highly recommend the place. We had tons of fun and it's a great price!

Again, we took way too many pics, and the time it would take for me to narrow down the pics more than I already have would take a lot longer than just uploading them all.. so here you go!

She didn't know what to think at the beginning.. lol.

She warmed up to it pretty quickly. :)

Silly Girl

It looks like she's climbing by herself, but there was no way.. lol.. I was pushing her up there and by the end of our time there, I was carrying her up.. lol.

She looks so little.. lol.

They are so cute together..


She's so silly!

They had so much fun!

Her mean face.. haha

Maddison's mean face.. :)

I'm not ashamed to say that we had just as much fun as the kids did!

This picture... haha... we were in the Jack in the Box drive thru afterwards and there was a big poster of a chocolate cake... she was terrified of it.. haha.. She is allergic to chocolate, but still.. lol

1 comment:

He & Me + 3 said...

Poor baby allergic to chocolate. That does look like a very fun place. You got some good exercise too.