Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Night before they left...

I hated to see it come, but the last night before Jennifer and Maddison lefty to go home, came and went... We went to the Western store b/c Jennifer wanted something from Texas.. we're not country here, but still.. honestly, I had never even been to a western store before we went... haha.. Then we drove through Dallas, so they could check it out and then out to eat. :) Here's a few shots we got before we all went to bed.

She's dancing... looks weird... lol.

Cute picture!

Silly picture!

Precious girls!


He & Me + 3 said...

They are too cute. I am sure it was a tough good bye. I hope you get it today. I do live across the country, but you should have it by today.

He & Me + 3 said...

Yea! I am so glad it got there. You totally can cash it...even better pay day is friday so there will be twice as much money in there:) LOL It is good. Never wrote a bad check in my life:)
Thanks for everything. Have you put any new ones in the store yet?