Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am just overwhelmed today. Very emotional and hormonal.. I guess that's what being a breastfeeding "new" mommy does to you.. especially one going through the things I'm going through.

Anyway, I'm too blah to write today.. I'll mnoderate comments tomorrow and reply.. I'll comment on your blogs tomorrow too. I made it to some, but not all. I just don't feel up to it right now. I finally got Leala to sleep, and now she's up again. Duty calls.. as always.


Daphine said...

Sorry you're having a rough time today friend! I remember those days! They will pass! I pray that you have a restful and peaceful night.

Lori said...

hope you are feeling better today and got some sleep last night!


Kelly said...

This too shall pass!! Keep your chin up!! Have a great rest of the week!!

Shauna said...

I'm sorry :( I hope you are feeling better by now and able to catch up today.
Your not alone though, I certainly have my days of feeling overwhelmed and counting down until hubby gets home, lol.

Ms Crazy Princess said...

I hope everything is going okay and you can blog later!! I hope Leala is doing good and letting you get some sleep.

Shauna said...

Stopping by to wish you a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna