Monday, December 22, 2008

A sweet act of kindness..

Today, Leala and I ventured out to find one last present for Leala for Christmas (didn't think we had quite enough!) and look for some birthday presents for her, while we were out. I found a cute book set for Christmas and a bunch of books and a puzzle for her birthday.

Well, when we were checking out, the cashier was talking to Leala a lot, and Leala kept saying, "Hieeee" back to her and waving. It was so cute. While talking to Leala, the cashier forgot to ring up the last book. I had already paid and hadn't noticed until the woman behind me (who had been part of our conversation and was talking to Leala) told me that we forgot my last book. I asked if she minded if we went ahead and rang it up. She said not to worry about it and that it would be her little treat for such a cutie.. This stranger bought my baby a book. I thought it was so nice and sweet of her. I couldn't believe she did that. We wished each other a Merry Christmas and went on our way.

I am glad to see that there are still some really nice people who go out of their way to be nice to others. :)


Daphine said...

WOW! I love hearing stories like this! This was definitely a sweet act of kindness from a stranger. Loved this!

Kati said...

You sure don't see that everyday! Proof, that there are good people left in the world.

He & Me + 3 said...

That was so kind of her. Yes, I am glad to see that there are people still out there that care about complete strangers and just being kind. What a sweet lady. The book is cute too.

Lori said...

got to love it when you see the Christmas spirit in action!

Kelly said...

I love when I can see other people's kindness. Gives me hope for this world!! How sweet!!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a great act of random kindness! Merry Christmas!

Jennifer said...

awww that was really sweet! It is nice to here that there are still nice people out there!

Shauna said...

How sweet! I love hearing positive stories like this, very sweet!

I have a short one, on our wedding night we stopped at the waffle house on the way to our destination..I know, fancy huh? LOL
Anyway, we went to pay and the waitress said our ticket had been paid for by a gentleman that had already left!! That was the nicest gesture ever, and I'll never forget it! We had not noticed anyone looking at us or anything, of course I was still in my gown and our jeep was all decorated!

Ms Crazy Princess said...

That's so sweet!! That's the kind of thing that gets you all warm-hearted for the holidays.. and just people in general!

One day when I was at WalMart with Zach, some lady was in front of us talking about church and everything.. and she had just bought a new CD - Natalie Grant - it's Christian music.. and she said she just felt that she should give it to me, so she was doing that. She said to listen to it that it would touch me in some way. And I did. And it did. I wish I could get in touch with her. But that just gave me back so much faith in people.

Caidens_mommy said...

That is the sweetest story!