Friday, January 23, 2009


We have been so busy lately. I am beyond tired... Tomorrow won't be much different either.. It's worth it in the end though.

Leala has done well today. She's taken several naps, and they were actually kinda long. Her teeth are bothering her a lot today, so when she's been awake, she's been very whiny and crabby.. But, I would too..

I mnow this is short, but I am dead tired. Leala is just about done eating, so I will need to put her down and then get myself ready for bed. I hope you all have a good weekend. :)


Daphine said...

I hope that you get some rest tonight friend!

Have a great weekend!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am sure that you are just ready for a new season...this winter has been tough for your little sweet family. I hope that everyone is 100% very soon.

Ms Crazy Princess said...

Ahh new teeth suck! Poor baby.

Ms Crazy Princess said...

PS I tagged your blog for an award! Check out my blog. :)