Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tired, but hopeful...

So, for some reason (could be one of many, or a combination of the many), Leala has not been doing well at night. She has been great at night. She started sleeping through the night at about 2 months old. I have been a very, very lucky Mommy, when it comes to that... But for the past week or so now, she has been awful. She wakes up at least once (that's if I'm lucky); it is more like twice, and then I just put her in bed with us. I have gotten too used to my sleep at night, that her waking up every 3 hours or so is killing me..

I'm not sure what exactly it is either.. which frustrates me even more. At least if I knew the reason behind it all, I could feel bad for her or understand... but right now, without an actual reason, I just get cranky about it.. I know, I'm an awful mommy, but it happens..

These could be our reasons:
* She has been constipated, therefore, her stomach hurts... (she finally went today though, thank goodness)
* She has had bad gas a few nights...
* More teeth coming that we just can't see yet...
* Growth spurt...
* She might be trying to make up for food loss during the day (since we have been gone a lot the past couple of days, and she doesn't like continuously eating under the cover - it works for once or twice during an outing, but not all day for several days).

So who knows.. I just hope that tonight we get some better sleep.. Oh man, I need it.. I definitely do.. and lately, I can't go back to sleep while feeding her laying down.. Which is irritating.. I just kinda go in and out of it, which makes it all worse and makes me even more tired.

Well, there's nothing else I can do about it. Just hang in there I guess. For now, I better go to bed, while she's sleeping. :)

She woke up about 10 minutes ago, and is eating again.. maybe this will make her last longer? Who knows... one can only hope.


Stephanie said...

You know seriously I can't figure out why my blog won't update when you do...guess I'm going to have to check myself daily :) Hope sleeps starts going well very soon! Think we are going to the doctor today to make sure no ear infections! Still not on track here!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Guess what? I got this one through my blog...Yeah! I was so excited to see Everyday Mom Designs at the top because you had posted. Maybe it is all figured out for me anyways...not sure for Step.
Good luck with the sleeping thing, it can be so trying, and when you are the stay at home person, you feel like you can't ask the other to get up and help, because they work. Atleast that is what I felt like...until I just couldn't do it anymore after the 10th time my first born woke up one night. Ugh. Unfortunetly it is just phases they go through as well as the things you listed. So hang on..and nap when she naps:)

Shoebee said...

Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight. I remember with my kids, whenever their scheduled was changed, that always messed up their sleep. Hope it works out soon.

McCrakensx4 said...

Hope she gets some sleepy soon, so that you can get some sleepy too! That is hard, when they do and then they don't. Praying that you get what you need!